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BOIM is a hub for inter- professional collaboration of license healthcare professionals.

Doctoral Level Member-IMD

  1. Doctoral level of education in any health profession or such as dentist, chiropractor, allopathic medical doctor or doctorate(PhD).

  2. In addition to a doctorate level of education you must have a minimum of 500 hours of training and experience in at least two integrative medicine modalities such as nutritional medicine, functional medicine, manual medicine or any other traditional natural medicine modalities.

Practitioner Level Member-IMP:

  1. Undergraduate degree in any profession such as registered nurse, license physiotherapist, registered dental hygienists, registered massage therapists.

  2. In addition to a practitioner level of education you must have a minimum of 500 hours of training and experience in any in at least two integrative medicine modalities such as nutritional medicine, functional medicine, manual medicine or any other traditional natural medicine modalities.

Integrative Health Coach-IHC:

  1. Must provide evidence of post-secondary diploma in health coaching.

  2. Potential registrants must have at least 500 hours of training and clinical experience in health coaching.

Maintenance of certification

BOIM has developed the membership maintenance process to test continued proficiency and growth in the art, science and practice of Integrative Medicine. Proficiency in integrative medicine is a combination of academic, work-based, personal, and relationship growth. This is a multi-layered experience involving education, personal growth and transformation and is divided into two phases:

First year member (growing)

A first year member without any formal training in integrative medicine, orthomolecular medicine or traditional natural medicine, will be required to complete forty (40) professional development courses from our mentorship program or from other source. You will be asked to write a journey paper describing your journey and growth in Integrative medicine or traditional medicine. Upon completion, you will be eligible for renewal of your certification as a full member.

Professional development courses are offered through the Canadian College of Humanitarian Medicine.



You will attend the annual conference and professional day events to expand your knowledge work and network with other members.

You will complete forty (40) hours of continuing education courses which will enhance your capacity to administer an integrative medicine based healthcare approach to your clients.

You will provide ten (10) hours of free community integrative medicine healthcare services to the poor in your local community or international communities under the World Organization of Natural Medicine- Clinics for Humanity program.

Maintenance of professional liability insurance is required yearly to validate membership.

You are required to use your designations and logos of the organization on your business cards, websites and other advertising materials to bring more awareness to the public on Integrative Medicine.

Restriction of title “doctor”

Ontario Canada:

Except as allowed in the regulations under this Act Ontario Canada, no person shall use the title “doctor”, a variation or abbreviation or an equivalent in another language in the course of providing or offering to provide, in Ontario, health care to individuals. 1991, c. 18, s. 33 (1).
In the Province of Ontario or elsewhere in Canada or North America where the “Doctor” title is restricted during the course of offering healthcare services but in other instances it is ok. You can use the doctor title in education settings such as teaching, writing, coaching etc.

For more information please contact e-law click here_



You may use your designation on your business cards, websites and other advertising materials to bring more awareness to the public on Integrative Medicine.

Example for advertising your designations

Green Brown, DDS, MD, PhD, IMD (Level II format)

Jane Brown, BSc, RN, RDH, IMP (Level I format)

Jane Brown, Dip. HC, IHC ( Health coach format)

Note: The MD, DDS, PhD first accolade, are degrees from educational institutions and the second accolades, “IMD” or " IMP" are designations granted to practitioners with doctorate level or practitioner levels of education and a healthcare practitioner with training and certification to practices Integrative medicine.

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3555 Don Mills Road
Suite 18-529

Toronto, Ontario M2H 3N3



530 S 8TH ST
Las Vegas, NV, 89101



1 (416) 756-9355
1 (855) 557-0491



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